10 Best Pregnancy Stretches For A Healthy Delivery
In this post, we will talk about the benefits of stretching during pregnancy, which stretches you should avoid, and cover some general safety tips. We will also cover ten simple stretches you can d...
Tips for Starting Labour Naturally
If I had a dollar for every time I've been asked how to bring on labour, well, let's just say I'd be quite rich! If you've read my article on the due date myth, you'll know that the end of pregnanc...
Do you ever get that craving for some chocolate and caramel? Perhaps with some peanuts added in? Time for a Snickers Bar, right?
Lactation Smoothie Bowl Recipe
Breastfeeding is very energy-demanding - meaning, you need to make sure you are adequately refuelling and nourishing your body.
While sciatica during pregnancy may not affect every woman, sciatica-like symptoms can be quite common throughout pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.
We all want to BE ACTIVE. We all want to feel like we're heading in the right direction, like we're moving towards achieving our goals. But...how can we keep the momentum and keep motivated from we...
What do you really know about Chia seeds? If your most people then your Chia knowledge is probably limited to the green fuzzy grass head you used to call your Chia pet, today, however, Chia seeds a...
Kimmy Smith Fits Hospital Bag Checklist!
Want to know what to pack in your hospital bag? Here Kimmy Smith Fit shares her post birth hospital must haves.
Ginger could easily be described as nature’s nurturer – calming queasy tummy’s, soothing coughs, easing pain and inflammation, and aiding in warding off infections. As well as providing many medici...
Midwife Cath: Coming Home with Baby
Resident Guru, Midwife Cath, shares her tips for helping mum’s settle in when coming home with a new baby.
While most people have heard of kombucha, many are confused about what exactly it is. A mushroom? A fungus? A mysterious liquid that bubbles up from the centre of the earth?
Top Tips for Expressing Breastmilk
If you are planning on breastfeeding your baby, you are in for one of the most incredible journeys of your life. There is not much else that can match the bond formed between a breastfeeding mother...
Midwife Cath: Tips for Bathing Your Baby
Bathing your baby can be a wonderful experience for both you and the baby. The first thing to do is to have everything organised before you wake the baby up or undress the baby.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is fairly common in pregnancy. It happens mainly in the second and third trimesters. It is the result of a build up of fluid, known as oedema, in and around the tissues...
Midwife Cath: Food, Love, Warmth
I often mention three words; food, love, warmth. As a parent, I believe if you go by these three, simple words you can’t go wrong. It’s basic. Food, love, warmth. Keep those words in your mind. K...
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction During Pregnancy
There are different types of aches and pains that women experience during pregnancy, and often they are just put down as unfortunate side-effects. What many women don’t realise is that some of thei...
Strawberry & Blueberry Oatmeal Lactation Smoothie
A mama has got to keep her energy levels up full-stop! It’s even more important if you’re breastfeeding. Smoothies are great for a quick nutrient dense snack and this smoothie in particular has som...
Restless Leg Syndrome in Pregnancy
Pregnancy. Such a wonderful gift and such a different experience for every mother. On one hand, you spend nine months of absolute maternal bliss, growing and connecting with your little baby inside...