The Will To Fly Film

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The Will To Fly is the desire to stay true to your heart and reach the ambitions that you have always dreamt about.

It is a story about a woman who maintained a loyalty to her younger self, by conquering the ambitious goals she set, with a fire she never let die down.

The film is a historic portrayal about the life and tumultuous sport career of Lydia Lassila through the times of world dominance by the Australian aerial ski team.

As a young gymnast, Lydia Lassila’s Olympic aspirations were set and then dashed by injuries and missed opportunities. Aerial skiing provided a second chance opportunity to realise her dream – and create many new ones. Through an experimental roller-coaster career of guts and perseverance, she turned some major setbacks into fuel for an almighty comeback. Lydia won the 2010 Olympic games with a world record score still held today.

After winning the 2010 Olympic games, Lydia returned to the sport as a young mother, with a pursuit of becoming the first woman to perform the most complex acrobatic manoeuvre that only men had ever achieved before, a “quadruple twisting, triple somersault” on skis.

Lydia Lassila didn’t want her acrobatic potential to be unknown. She had a title to defend, but more importantly a score to settle, with herself.

This is a quest to reach personal fulfilment by achieving her true potential, on the world stage at the Sochi Olympics in 2014.

With a classical story construction of the ‘hero’s journey’, showcasing the spectacles of an entire career in 99 minutes, Lydia Lassila inspires us all with The Will To Fly.

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